If your credit is less than perfect, a hefty down payment can help you bring down your monthly payments significantly – but, just how much down payment for a car with bad credit? The average down payment on a car with no credit is around 10% or $1,000, whichever is the larger amount. However, you can use your down payment strategically to offset higher interest rates. Let’s find out why buying a car with bad credit but a large down payment can really open up new doors for Cincinnati, OH and Covington drivers.
Financing a car is more flexible than you might think, and you can play around with variables like loan term and down payment to create a more affordable deal. For example, most subprime lenders expect a down payment of 10% or $1,000. But if you are able to put down more money, that’s less money that you have to finance with interest. It’s important to stay within your budget and not put down more than you can afford. But for drivers with more wiggle room, buying a car with bad credit but a large down payment can be a real advantage.
If you’re trying to figure out how much down payment for a car with bad credit, or buying a car with bad credit but a large down payment, let Tom Gill Chevrolet help. We’d be happy to crunch the numbers with you, so you can stay right within budget and get a fantastic deal. Contact us with any questions about an average down payment on a car with no credit or stop by our dealership in Florence to chat!
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